Meet Some Valuable Contributors

Every month the exec team nominates one member of the month who has demonstrated initiative and provided significant input towards the research and design of the car.. At the end of the year, all nominated members will be put into a raffle for free Chem-E-Car merch!

Abubaker Elneihoum


Baker is super involved and went out of his way to research various components of the car and made a lot of valuable contributions towards options for the design. Baker is also one of the winners of the car body design competition!

Blake Cole


Blake made major contributions towards the power source, notably the research for the proton exchange membrane option.

Jessie Sprunt


Jessie has made valuable contributions to our team. Always providing us with valuable input and ideas in team discussions. Your devotion towards our team has been recognized!

Michael Zeljeznjak


Michael is always actively engaged and shows up to every meeting. He is always pitching his ideas and contributes super create and innovative solutions. He is also the winner of our Car Body Competition! Thanks for your continuous efforts!